Wednesday, December 19, 2012





Discovery page

One thing I didn’t know about robots is their impact on the job industry. Robotics has a huge impact on the job industry. Many people have been laid off due to the progression of robots. They have become so much more advanced in the last few years, robots these days can accomplish many tasks the average human can. There is a wide range of robots to robots that can vacuum to robots that can build cars. Another task robots have been used for is military combat. They have even developed robots that can talk. Other robots they have developed can accomplish large obstacles courses. One reason robots had such an advantage over people is that they can work without being paid and can accomplish the tasks much quicker than the human being.

Another thing I didn’t know about robots is how many robot conventions happen throughout the year. Robot conventions happen a lot throughout the year and all across the world. At the robot conventions new robots are developed and presented. There are some for sale, and some just to look at. Many people attend robot conventions and they are a big deal to many people. Japan is major country for robot conventions. Although in the year 2015, the International Symposium on Robotics will return to the United States. It is a prestigious convention and will be held in Chicago. One of the conference's main events will be the presentation of the Engelberger Robotics Award. The honor is the highest bestowed within the industry, and is named after Joseph Engelberger, known by many as the "father of robotics."

The last thing I didn’t know about robots was the different categories of robots. The different categories are industrial, explorer, laboratory, medical and real world robots. Industrial robots are simply a single arm with a special attachment in the place of a hand. Explorer robots, the only true explorer robots that are already in operation are those developed by NASA and are in outer space. Laboratory robots include advanced microcomputers with multi-jointed arms and sophisticated vision and tactile sensors. Medical Robots: As the level of sophistication in robotic technology increases and computers become more powerful there will be a greater prevalence of robots doing formerly human work in the laboratory and in the operating room. Real World Robots: This type of robot is perfect for the assembly line; however, it would be completely hopeless in the outside world.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Official MDS Robot Video - First Test of Expressive Ability

This video shows a brief summary of the MDS robot. It shows the first test of expressive ability. This stands for mobile, dexterous, and social robot. This robot can talk and can show its emotion by its facial expressions. The MDS robot can also touch and pick up things. It is also able to talk.

This is a robot that was created by Boston Dynamics. It goes by the name of BigDog. BigDog is the most advanced rough-terrain robot on earth. It is a rough-terrain robot that walks, runs, climbs and carries heavy loads.  It has four legs and is the size of a large dog or small mule; about 3 feet long, 2.5 feet tall and weighs 240 lbs.

This robot is located at the Michigan Assembly plant. This robot is use for the inspection of cars. It uses laser technology to better attach door and other large panels to vehicles.  Ford claims that a tighter fit will equal less cabin noise. These robots are programmed to recognize any minute deviations from the correct specification and, if any errors are found, instruct the operator on the best corrective action.
This is a robot created by Boston Dynamics. They are known for building advanced robots with extraordinary behavior.  They have built this robot with the most mobility, agility, dexterity and speed they could. This robot can accomplish many obstacles. This robot has been put through tasks without human assistance, such as climbing steps, or walking on a piece of wire.
A robotic vacuum cleaner, often called a robovac, is autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner that has intelligent programming and a limited vacuum cleaning system. Most houses have not been designed with the advent of vacuum bots in mind so people may have to make simple adaptations to increase effectiveness and practicality of the bot. Many of the models come with strips of wire or other sensors that are placed on stairs to prevent the vacuum from falling down them.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Web Quest 9th Grade Fall Semester Project

My blog post is about how robots are taking over the job industry. Everyday more and more people lose their jobs due to robotics. The intelligence of robots has grown in the past years more frequently than ever before. Hundreds of Americans have been laid off due to the growth of robotics. Take for instance that a task that needs one hundred people to accomplish, may only need one robot to accomplish that same task. Robot mechanics are becoming more informed on the way in which to build a robot to where it can perform at the best it can. Robots are designed to do tasks that people may or may not be able to do. They are used to build cars, dismantle bombs, pack boxes, answer phones, mow yards, explore deep sea ship wrecks and many other things. However, people have still not been able to give robots enough common sense to perform without supervision. While some robots are very simple, others are quite complex. In the next ten years the world of robots will grow very drastically. The jobs they will be able to accomplish will be unimaginable. Robot mechanics have come up with ways for the robot to talk, walk, and to overcome obstacles. They are increasing in number, and in type. Industry is exploring cars that can drive themselves. Designers are imagining military vehicles that can enter combat without human help. Companies are looking into robotic parts that will do basic home functions. Robots can be found in the manufacturing industry, the military, space exploration, transportation, and medical applications. Even with everyday tasks such as mowing the lawn or vacuuming the house. A few categories in which robots pertain to are entertainment, research, health care, schools, mining, military, and factory. Toyota is a great example of people losing their jobs to the robot industry. Toyota is full of robotics. They have robots that make parts for the cars, or even put the cars together. They also have robots that paint the cars. The jobs that the robots accomplish are jobs that humans could accomplish just as easily. This blog post, as you can see, will inform you very much about the topic of robots.